Wednesday 4 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Ok, so it's been a fair while since I last posted on my blog...BUT...I have been busy, my boyfriend and I went on a trip to New York over Christmas, and I've come back with a v. bling ring on my finger!!

So, obviously I was very happy and thinking about the rest of our lives and our happy marriage and future children etc etc blah blah, but a close second after all that I was thinking "yay! wedding invitations!!" I have already started designing them but no drafts so far have made me happy. I think the wedding brain has taken over my craft mojo!

Anyhoo, back to the blogs for inspiration I think ! xxx

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh congrats hun!! That's amazing news. How romantic! Keep us up to date with the invitations, I'm about to do my best friends and am a little stuck for inspiration too! Are you on Pinterest?? xxx


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